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Our Partners

BPIA benefits from the generous support it receives from academic institutions, government agencies, private companies, organizations, and individuals. These contributions help build the capacity of our all-volunteer association to achieve its mission.

BPIA actively partners with agencies, embassies, universities, and community-based organizations (CBO's) on programs, activities, and opportunities to increase the involvement of African Americans and those of African descent in the international affairs field.


Collaboration Panel Discussions
Joint-Networking Happy Hours
"Field trips" to your organization for BPIA members
Targeted Internships and Job Opportunities
Cross-posting on our Social Media Platforms and monthly e-newsletter
Speaking opportunities for BPIA community members
Keynote Speaker Requests
Co-hosting career fairs, conferences, etc
Events or Career Fair Discounts / Booths
Features on Podcasts and Media

Learn How Your Organization can Partner with BPIA in 2024 Here!

Complete our Partners Interest Form Here!

Share Your Story

Promote your organization to our robust membership community and public audiences of over 3,100 followers.

Event Opportunities

Organizations can choose to sponsor programs or scholarships, work with BPIA to create program offerings of mutual interest.

Access to Diverse Talent Pool

Looking for diverse talent? Share your job announcements with our members.

Join the BPIA E-newsletter Mailing List

BPIA sends monthly e-newsletter to the BPIA community highlighting upcoming events, job announcement, fellowships, news, and more.

BPIA membership is open to all applicants who support our mission and goals without regard to race, religion/creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual preference or identity.


Mailing Address


P.O. Box 55922

Washington, DC 20011

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