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Please join BPIA on July 2, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET for an off-the-record virtual briefing with National Security Action to discuss the results of their most recent polling on National Security and Foreign Policy in the 2024 Elections.
With just under 4 months until the November elections, National Security Action has polled Americans across the country and in key battleground states on voter opinions about foreign policy and national security. Their results offer key insights into how voters view Donald Trump and Joe Biden on these issues. RSVP here to join us on July 2nd. This briefing is off-the-record and by invitation only to BPIA members.
Note: This event an external organization will be reporting the findings of their report. BPIA is a 501c3 organization and does not directly or indirectly participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.
BPIA membership is open to all applicants who support our mission and goals without regard to race, religion/creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual preference or identity.
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Washington, DC 20011
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