Join us for a conversation with Leslie Lautenslager, former Special Assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell. We will be discussing her experiences and recent book, and the conversation will be moderated by Colin Powell Leadership Institute Member Adom Cooper. Purchase your copy of the book here!
Leslie Lautenslager’s career in protocol began in 1986 when she was hired by U.S. Chief of Protocol Selwa “Lucky” Roosevelt as an assistant to the manager of Blair House, the President’s Guest House. Ambassador Roosevelt later promoted her to a protocol officer in the Ceremonials and then Visits division. In addition to working on state and official visits of heads of state, she organized and lead delegations representing President Reagan around the world. After the State Department, Leslie joined the Battle of Normandy Foundation as Director of Protocol and Special events leading up to the 50th anniversary of D-Day.
In April 1996 she joined the Washington Speakers Bureau as the event manager for General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.), one of the most popular speakers on the international speaking circuit. As his executive assistant, she was his liaison to clients, and responsible for making him “smart” about each event, as well as in charge of all travel and logistical details.
When General Powell was confirmed as the U.S. Secretary of State, she served as the Assistant Chief of Protocol for Ceremonials and Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, responsible for a staff tasked with planning and organizing all functions hosted by the Secretary to honor foreign dignitaries. Additionally, she supported ceremonies on behalf of the President and Vice President for national commemorations, the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly, and state funerals. In 2001 after the General’s tenure as the world’s top diplomat, she returned with him to the speaking circuit until his death in October 2021.
From 2016-2020, Leslie served as the President of Protocol & Diplomacy – Protocol Officers Association, the international association for protocol professionals. During her tenure she led four annual international protocol education forums and authored weekly essays shared with the membership on various protocol issues. She has been involved in the association since its inception in 2002 and was a member of the board of directors for 11 years.
Leslie’s memoire, My Time with General Colin Powell: Stories of Kindness, Diplomacy & Protocol, was published in November 2023. She is also a contributing author included in China Foreign Affairs University’s 2022 book, A Study of Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette: From Theory to Practice; and in the Amsterdam University Press 2021 book by Gilbert Monod de Froideville and Mark Verheul, An Expert’s Guide to International Protocol: Best Practice in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations.
An internationally recognized speaker and trainer, she has worked with groups that include Sister Cities International, Triway International, Tuckahoe Women’s Club, the Peace Corps (Africa bureau), Embassy of Turkey, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Junior League of Washington, The Institute of World Politics, and the China Foreign Affairs University.
A graduate of the College of William & Mary, she has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Psychology and in Fine Arts.
Adom M. Cooper is a national security and foreign policy professional, lawyer, and writer. He has work experience with the U.S. government, the United Nations, the American Society of International Law, and private consulting firms. He has a JD from Syracuse University College of Law, a BA from the University of Michigan, and study abroad experience at the University of Western Cape. He is the author of a children's cybersecurity book called RhinoRAM, an avid scuba diver, travel enthusiast who has visited all seven continents, a member of Black Professionals in International Affairs, a Term Member at Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the DC Bar.
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