BPIA: US Policy in Haiti Briefing ft. A.I. Jarahn Hillsman and Charlotte Y. Suka
Thursday, April 11, 2024 11:00am-11:45am EDT.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join BPIA for an exclusive briefing on the state of Haiti and the US Response to the current crisis. We will be joined by A.I. Jarahn Hillsman, Chargé d'Affaires in the US Embassy in Bolivia, and Charlotte Y. Suka, a Foreign Affairs Officer from the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs.
Speaker Bios
Jarahn Hillsman, US Embassy in Bolivia
Jarahn Hillsman is a career diplomat with over twenty years of service with the U.S. Department of State. Prior postings including Deputy Chief of Mission in Equatorial Guinea, Deputy Political Section Chief in Honduras, Political Officer in Ecuador, and Vice Consul in El Salvador. He also served as Political Officer in Uganda. In Washington, Jarahn served as Economic and Commercial Officer in the Office of Multilateral Trade Affairs and head of the Economic Unit in the Office of the Coordinator for Cuban Affairs. He was the State Department’s 2011-2012 Lawrence Eagleburger Corporate Fellow to Medtronic Incorporated.
Jarahn holds a B.A. in Urban Studies and Planning from California State University Northridge and a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University. He is a native of Los Angeles, California.
Charlotte Y. Suka, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
Charlotte Suka is a 2019 graduate of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia where she earned a B.A. in Foreign Affairs with a concentration in Macroeconomics. Charlotte possesses over 4 years of experience on transatlantic coordination on multilateral initiatives in Afghanistan and Ukraine to include, the EU, NATO, and G7. She supported U.S. government leadership during the drawdown and collapse of NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan in 2019 and 2020. In addition, she supported transatlantic military and humanitarian support to Ukraine through Poland from 2021-2023 and transatlantic efforts at the UN and in the Global South to combat Russian disinformation. She previously served in the Bureau of European Affairs, Office of Central European Affairs from 2021-2023, Bureau of South-Central Asian Affairs’ Office of Afghanistan from 2019-2021 (SCA/A) and the Bureau of Political Military Affairs’ Office of State Defense Integration (PM/SDI) as a program assistant where she supported military and diplomatic coordination.
While attending the University of Virginia Charlotte served in a variety of administrative and political positions including but not limited to: Global Democratic Perspectives Intern to Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, Communications Team Assistant Manager with the Office of the Dean of Students, and Legal Intern at the Legal Aid Justice Center. Charlotte currently lives in Arlington, VA and loves to play tennis, enjoys live music in the summer, and often indulges in Italian food and prosecco.
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