Nomination Form
Nominations Open!
Run for the 2024 BPIA Board of Directors
Submit Nomination Here
Deadline Friday, November 10, 2023 at 11:59pm ET
BPIA invites members in good financial standing to consider serving on the BPIA Board of Directors. We are seeking candidates with the experience, credentials, skillset, desired attributes, and demonstrated commitment to BPIA.
The Governance and Nominations Committee are free to identify and suggest positions for which your talents appear uniquely qualified. However, please feel free to indicate your interest in a particular office.
Provided for your consideration are a) job descriptions b) Eligibility Requirements for Office and c) Duties and Responsibilities for Board Members all located in the BPIA Handbook.
We are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions:
Vice President for Business and Economic Development - responsible for programming on business opportunities and trends between Africa, the U.S., and other diaspora communities and on economic development in issues in developing regions/ countries (1-year term).
Vice President for Education and Exchange - responsible for programming that contributes to the education and cultural development of African Americans and other under-represented ethnic minorities, and women in international affairs (1-year term).
Vice President for Professional Development - responsible for programming that contributes to the professional development of African Americans and other under-represented ethnic minorities in international affairs (1-year term) .
Secretary - duties include: (i) official records and documents administration; (ii) taking the minutes of the Board meeting along with relevant committee reports, membership meetings, and Advisory Board meetings; (iii) ensuring that notices are given in accordance with the Bylaws; (iv) general administration, record-keeping, and organization of documents and Board meetings (1-year term).
Assistant Secretary - supports the Secretary and performs other duties as directed by the Board. ( 2- year term).
Assistant Treasurer - supports the Treasurer and performs other duties as directed by the Board (1-year term).
Member at Large (3 open positions: 2x one-year term positions; 1x two-year position) - serves as a liaison to the general membership. Duties assigned as needed to fulfill board requirements and address overall organizational goals.
Schedule of Elections
The Nominations Committee appreciates your interest and support. The Virtual Meet and Greet Town Hall Meeting with prospective board members will be held on November 17, 2023. Thereafter, ballots will be distributed to the entire BPIA membership on November 18, 2023. All ballots must be returned electronically by November 27, 2023. Election results will be announced at the Annual BPIA Members Meeting in early December. The Members Meeting will be convened in a hybrid format to accommodate those who cannot attend in person.
Eligibility Requirements for Office Duties and Responsibilities for Board of Directors
If you choose to run for office, your membership status must be active and in good financial standing when your name is added to the ballot. The standard membership dues are $50 a year. Once you are elected to the Board by vote of the general body, you are required to maintain:
sustaining membership status for the duration of your tenure,
sign the Board Membership Agreement, Conflict-of-Interest Statement, and Code of Conduct each year, and
participate in Board meetings and BPIA events.
Sustaining membership dues are currently $195 a year, which can be paid at the time that you are formally elected to the Board or over time via an optional payment plan. The Board meets monthly, and members are expected to attend in person or join Board meetings virtually.
General Requirements
Board members are volunteer spokespersons and working officers of BPIA who help protect the association’s interests and resources and shape its direction and development. These positions require individuals of character, academic/professional achievement, career service, and vision. Board membership requires an output of volunteer hours devoted to planning, monitoring, evaluating, supporting, and participating in activities sponsored by the Association.
Specific Qualifications
Any BPIA member in good financial standing may be nominated for Board members based upon a demonstrated commitment to the achievement of BPIA goals and objectives as evidenced by support for:
Education on international issues and public policy.
Economic development.
Professional development.
Maintenance of a strong financial base to support BPIA operations, scholarships, grants, and other program initiatives.
Participation in/attendance at BPIA meetings, events, fund-raisers, and other activities.
Increased access of Black professionals to the wide array of resources and opportunities available in the fields of international and intercultural affairs.
International and intercultural understanding and cooperation.
Recruitment and promotion of Black professionals in international careers.
Collaboration with other organizations and institutions with similar goals in international affairs.
Board members-elect must subscribe to sustaining membership during their tenure, payable prior to the installation of officers in February, or opt into a payment plan for sustaining membership.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
Board members are asked to:
Attend Board meetings. Board members who have three unexcused absences will be candidates for removal.
Be prepared and informed. Before each meeting, read the meeting materials sent to you. Come prepared to ask questions, make comments, and vote on relevant motions.
Be a steward of the organization’s resources. The Board helps maintain a financially stable organization that is consistent with the organization’s mission and priorities.
Commit the time required to be effective in your role. Board members are asked to devote time and energy to the organization by dedicating time to Board and committee work and participating in events and meetings.
Recognize that the organization’s integrity and reputation are important. The Board is charged with ensuring that our practices and policies are managed at a high priority.
Be a representative of the organization to the community, but also be familiar with established policies regarding the organization’s spokesperson or designated spokesperson, depending on the circumstance.
Take responsibility for a specific initiative or activity. Board members are asked to become acclimated to the role, and take ownership of a key task, committee, event, or another Board undertaking. Committee work will be in addition to members’ duties as a member of the Board.
Read the BPIA Mission Statement, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Conflict of Interest, Code of Conduct, and financial policies.
Complete the following forms each year: (a) Conflict of Interest Statement, (b) BPIA Board Members’ Agreement., and (c) Code of Conduct.
Pay the sustaining membership dues within 120 days after the first day of being inaugurated into office.
Relevant Resources
CLICK HERE – Eligibility Requirements for Office Duties and Responsibilities for Board of Directors.
CLICK HERE - BPIA Board of Directors Handbook.
For additional information and questions, please contact BPIA Governance Committee Co-Chairs Alexanderia Haidara-Baker and Kholofelo Kugler at governance@iabpia.org and business@iabpia.org.
BPIA membership is open to all applicants who support our mission and goals without regard to race, religion/creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual preference or identity.
P.O. Box 55922
Washington, DC 20011
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